Our Resource Person
H. M. Tarikul Kamrul


H. M. Tarikul Kamrul

Chief Marketing Officer

Link3 Technologies Limited

Tarikul Kamrul is working in the Marketing and Sales field for last 14 years in leading Multinational and National companies of the country. He has a vast knowledge of Bangladesh’s corporate world mainly in FMCG, Telecom, Consumer Sales and Service Industry. He is currently working as Cluster Market Director and Vice President in one of the leading Telecom Operator of Bangladesh. Prior to that, he worked in British American Tobacco Bangladesh, MGH Group and in Transcom Limited in various marketing, sales and project management role. He has experience in working in the field of marketing and sales management in all Divisions and Circle of the Country. Tarikul was a key member in various strategic regional and national projects in his tenor with leading MNCs in Bangladesh. He is specialized in designing and implementing various Sales and Marketing Campaigns and Distribution development plans.


Apart from that, he has consultancy work experience with leading company’s like BCG (Boston Consulting Group), Renoir UK, ATKearney, EY, PWC (PricewaterhouseCoopers) in various business development project in last 7 years. These all consultancy attachment has given him the edge on building goal base solutions and frameworks for the corporate organization.


An MBA from IBA, Tarikul had attended different training programs in Leadership development and Sales/Marketing arena in Home and Abroad. He had done bachelors in Business Administration from North South University. He was also attached in a leading Supply Chain organization in China for 2 weeks for new business development. Till date more than 500 organizational training programs, workshop and customized content and consultancy development services have been given by him mainly on Sales, Marketing and leadership arena. He is passionate to develop the local corporate and people of our country as world class experts to face the challenges of 21st century so that Bangladeshi Talents can compete in global arena.